Why does YWCA Madison use Restorative Justice?

YWCA Madison uses restorative justice to address the school-to-prison pipeline. The school-to-prison pipeline describes a pattern of criminalization of K-12 students linked to decreased graduation rates and increased likelihood of future involvement with the criminal justice system. Students of color, LGBTQ students, and students with disabilities are disproportionately impacted.

Every 12-16 year old issued a municipal ticket by Madison Police is eligible to participate in restorative justice as an alternative to court.

YWCA Madison is pleased to provide these resources to community members.

YWCA provides ongoing student and staff support at some of our partner schools in order to facilitae a transition to a restorative approach.

The tendency of minors and young adults of color to become incarcerated, because of increasingly harsh school and municipal policies.

YWCA Madison offers three-day professional development training workshops for educators, community members and parents.

Harsh disiplinary policies that contribute to the School-to-Prison Pipeline by criminalizing students and pushing them out of school.

YWCA Madison offers three-day professional development training workshops for educators, community members and parents.